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Terpenes - as explained by CannaCon

As a cannabis enthusiast, you’re probably well-versed in the world of THC and CBD. But have you ever stopped to appreciate the incredible complexity of cannabis terpenes? These fragrant oils are responsible for each strain’s unique smell and taste, but they also have a range of physiological and therapeutic effects. Whether you’re looking to reduce stress, alleviate pain or simply enhance your cannabis experience, understanding terpenes is crucial in customizing your high.

In this comprehensive guide, we’ll take a closer look at the fascinating world of the most common terpenes found in marijuana. From their distinctive aromas to the psychological and physiological terpene effects — we’ll dive into each terpene and highlight which strains contain the highest levels of these profound compounds.

Whether you’re a cannabis connoisseur or just starting to explore the plant’s vast potential, this cannabis terpenes list will enhance your cannabis consumption with valuable insights.

What terpenes get you high?

While terpenes themselves don’t get you high, terpenes influence the effects of other plant compounds such as THC. For example, myrcene is known to produce the entourage effect, where different compounds in cannabis form a symbiotic relationship to create a more powerful impact. This means that strains with high levels of cannabis terps like myrcene may enhance the effects of THC, making the high more potent and longer lasting.

What do terpenes look like?

Terpenes are found throughout the cannabis plant, but are most concentrated in the trichomes, which are the hairlike structures that cover the plant’s flowers and leaves. While you can’t see terpenes with the naked eye, their shape can be linear, branched or cyclic. Despite their variability in structure, terpenes all share the same basic chemical formula of (C5H8)n, where n represents the number of isoprene units they contain. Isoprene units are the building blocks of terpenes.

How many cannabis terpenes are there?

There are more than 20,000 known varieties of terpenes, making them the largest group of natural compounds found in plants. They’re responsible for the unique aromas and flavors of fruits, vegetables, herbs and flowers. With such a wide range of terpenes available, it’s no wonder they play such a significant role in cannabis. Cannabis contains more than 200 terpenes, but some sources have claimed upwards of 400 terpenes exist in marijuana plants.

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